Sensual Massage vs. Tantric Massage: Which One and Why?
While both practices involve touch and intimacy, they are distinct in their origins, techniques, and intended outcomes. In this post, we will explore the differences between tantric massage and sensual massage to help you better understand which practice may be best suited to your needs.
How to Maximize Your Tantric Massage Experience
I've had many sessions over the years, but even as a trained Tantra practitioner myself, there are still things that I'm surprised by each time I enter into a new session. If you're new to Tantric massage, preparation is essential so you can set yourself up for success from the start. Here are some tips for maximizing your time on the table.
5 Books to Enhance Your Sacred Sexuality Practice
Sacred sexuality is a spiritual practice that can enrich your life, deepen your connection to yourself and others, and help you achieve personal growth. Here are five great books to read if you're interested in enriching or beginning your sacred sexuality practice.
How I Became A Sacred Intimate
I always knew that I had a purpose in life. Even when I was very young I had a sense that I was different, tapped into some level of primal practicality, along with a sense of simple luxury. I’ve found the combination of the two difficult to reconcile until relatively recently. At the intersection of the two, I’ve found the word for it: Sensuality.